Tuesday, April 8, 2014

As Long As Our Hearts Beat

Greetings, Songbirds!

     It's been so long since we have been together! I think of you often, but have yet to come up with anything to share with you. I'm not sure if it is writer's block or God leading me in another direction in regard to my writing. God tells us that there is a time and a season for every purpose under Heaven, Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV.
     Maybe my season for writing this blog is done, but maybe not. I don't know yet. I just wanted to ask you to pray with me for direction on this. My personal prayer is that I am sensitive to God's leading, and am willing to obey without hesitation regardless what that looks like.
     Obedience can be a complicated concept sometimes, at least for me. For example, it would be easy to see which direction to take when choosing between a known bad habit, or even a known sin over choosing obedience and going in the opposite direction. Not negating the difficulty it is to change one's behavior, but the point I am making is that it is not difficult to see which way one should go in that instance to be in obedience.
     BUT, what about when obedience involves changing directions that are seemingly good ways to go and do not involve a sin habit? THAT'S when it becomes difficult! THAT seems to be the position I am in right now, in regard to my writing. THAT is why I am seeking your prayers!
     My song and my prayer, not only for me but for us all is that our heart's desire is to love God and obey Him in everything we do. And as our song for today  Where You Lead Me by Mercy Me says "as long as our heart is beating, we will follow Him".  I love you all and hope and pray He who loves each of us more than we could fathom guides our every step.

 ...forever and a day!

Thank you all for your prayers!
